Configuring and using the CLI#

  • [x] Go to the AWS Management Console and choose IAM:

Management console

  • [x] Click on Users in the left navigation bar and in the next screen in the upper right corner, just under your account name, select Security Credentials.

Choose security credentials

  • [x] Click the Access keys (access key ID and secret access key) option in the Security Credentials screen

Choose access keys

  • [x] Click Create New Access Key

Choose access keys

  • [x] Download the key file.

Choose access keys

  • [x] The rootkey.csv file that contains the keys will be downloaded. You can view the details by opening the file. Store the keys in a safe location. Protect your AWS account and never share, email, or store keys in a non-secure location. An AWS representative will never request your keys, so be vigilant when it comes to potential phishing scams.

  • [x] Install and configure AWS CLI

  • [x] Test access works with:

$ aws s3 cp s3://bucket-name . --recursive
  • [x] Check .aws/config and .aws/credentials and make corrections if need be

  • [x] Browse CLI command reference