IQ scores#

Comparing IQ scores among different test groups using a box plot of the Seaborn library and quickly change the style and context of a Figure using the pre-configurations supplied by Seaborn.

Once a suitable DataFrame exists, the plotting is achieved with a single function. Column names are automatically used for labeling the axis. Even categorical variables are supported out of the box.

Importing libraries and packages#

 1# Warnings
 2import warnings
 4# Mathematical operations and data manipulation
 5import pandas as pd
 7# Plotting
 8import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
 9import seaborn as sns

Set paths#

1# Path to datasets directory
2data_path = "./datasets"
3# Path to assets directory (for saving results to)
4assets_path = "./assets"

Loading dataset#

1dataset = pd.read_csv(f"{data_path}/iq_scores.csv")

Exploring dataset#

1# Shape of the dataset
2print("Shape of the dataset: ", dataset.shape)
3# View
Shape of the dataset:  (100, 4)
group_a group_b group_c group_d
0 118 126 108 93
1 103 89 89 99
2 125 90 114 91
3 107 101 116 110
4 111 102 126 80
... ... ... ... ...
95 88 91 102 105
96 122 112 69 74
97 125 102 96 85
98 93 112 101 85
99 78 75 90 95

100 rows × 4 columns


1group_a = dataset[dataset.columns[0]].tolist()
2group_b = dataset[dataset.columns[1]].tolist()
3group_c = dataset[dataset.columns[2]].tolist()
4group_d = dataset[dataset.columns[3]].tolist()
1# Testing
[118, 103, 125, 107, 111, 96, 104, 97, 96, 114, 96, 75, 114, 107, 87, 117, 117, 114, 117, 112, 107, 133, 94, 91, 118, 110, 117, 86, 143, 83, 106, 86, 98, 126, 109, 91, 112, 120, 108, 111, 107, 98, 89, 113, 117, 81, 113, 112, 84, 115, 96, 93, 128, 115, 138, 121, 87, 112, 110, 79, 100, 84, 115, 93, 108, 130, 107, 106, 106, 101, 117, 93, 94, 103, 112, 98, 103, 70, 139, 94, 110, 105, 122, 94, 94, 105, 129, 110, 112, 97, 109, 121, 106, 118, 131, 88, 122, 125, 93, 78]
[126, 89, 90, 101, 102, 74, 93, 101, 66, 120, 108, 97, 98, 105, 119, 92, 113, 81, 104, 108, 83, 102, 105, 111, 102, 107, 103, 89, 89, 110, 71, 110, 120, 85, 111, 83, 122, 120, 102, 84, 118, 100, 100, 114, 81, 109, 69, 97, 95, 106, 116, 109, 114, 98, 90, 92, 98, 91, 81, 85, 86, 102, 93, 112, 76, 89, 110, 75, 110, 90, 96, 94, 107, 108, 95, 96, 96, 114, 93, 95, 117, 141, 115, 95, 86, 100, 121, 103, 66, 99, 96, 111, 110, 105, 110, 91, 112, 102, 112, 75]
[108, 89, 114, 116, 126, 104, 113, 96, 69, 121, 109, 102, 107, 122, 104, 107, 108, 137, 107, 116, 98, 132, 108, 114, 82, 93, 89, 90, 86, 91, 99, 98, 83, 93, 114, 96, 95, 113, 103, 81, 107, 85, 116, 85, 107, 125, 126, 123, 122, 124, 115, 114, 93, 93, 114, 107, 107, 84, 131, 91, 108, 127, 112, 106, 115, 82, 90, 117, 108, 115, 113, 108, 104, 103, 90, 110, 114, 92, 101, 72, 109, 94, 122, 90, 102, 86, 119, 103, 110, 96, 90, 110, 96, 69, 85, 102, 69, 96, 101, 90]
[93, 99, 91, 110, 80, 113, 111, 115, 98, 74, 96, 80, 83, 102, 60, 91, 82, 90, 97, 101, 89, 89, 117, 91, 104, 104, 102, 128, 106, 111, 79, 92, 97, 101, 106, 110, 93, 93, 106, 108, 85, 83, 108, 94, 79, 87, 113, 112, 111, 111, 79, 116, 104, 84, 116, 111, 103, 103, 112, 68, 54, 80, 86, 119, 81, 84, 91, 96, 116, 125, 99, 58, 102, 77, 98, 100, 90, 106, 109, 114, 102, 102, 112, 103, 98, 96, 85, 97, 110, 131, 92, 79, 115, 122, 95, 105, 74, 85, 85, 95]
 1data = pd.DataFrame(
 2    {
 3        "Groups": ["Group A"] * len(group_a)
 4        + ["Group B"] * len(group_b)
 5        + ["Group C"] * len(group_c)
 6        + ["Group D"] * len(group_d),
 7        "IQ score": group_a + group_b + group_c + group_d,
 8    }
Index(['Groups', 'IQ score'], dtype='object')
Groups IQ score
0 Group A 118
1 Group A 103
2 Group A 125
3 Group A 107
4 Group A 111
... ... ...
395 Group D 105
396 Group D 74
397 Group D 85
398 Group D 85
399 Group D 95

400 rows × 2 columns


Box plot#

 2# Set style to 'whitegrid'
 4# Set context to 'talk' to use the data visualization in a slide/talk
 6# Create boxplot
 7sns.boxplot("Groups", "IQ score", data=data)
 8# Despine removes spines from the plot by default (without passing any
 9# arguments to the function)
10sns.despine(left=True, right=True, top=True)
11# Add title
12plt.title("IQ scores for different test groups")
13# Show plot

Violin plot#

 2# Set style
 4# Create boxplot
 5sns.violinplot("Groups", "IQ score", data=data)
 6# Despine
 7sns.despine(left=True, right=True, top=True)
 8# Add title
 9plt.title("IQ scores for different test groups")
10# Show plot