Zip function and messy data#

The zip () function creates objects that can be used to produce single items. This function can create pandas DataFrames by merging two lists.

Importing libraries and packages#

1# Mathematical operations and data manipulation
2from itertools import zip_longest

Generating a list of tuples#

1countries = ["India", "USA", "France", "UK"]
2capitals = ["Delhi", "Washington", "Paris", "London"]
4countries_and_capitals = [t for t in zip(countries, capitals)]
[('India', 'Delhi'),
 ('USA', 'Washington'),
 ('France', 'Paris'),
 ('UK', 'London')]

Generating a dict#

1countries_and_capitals_as_dict = dict(zip(countries, capitals))
{'India': 'Delhi', 'USA': 'Washington', 'France': 'Paris', 'UK': 'London'}

Handling messy data#

Using the zip function to handle messy data in lists of unequal length.

1countries = ["India", "USA", "France", "UK", "Brazil", "Japan"]
2capitals = ["Delhi", "Washington", "Paris", "London"]
4# the ziplongest function from the itertools module can be used
5countries_and_capitals_as_dict_2 = dict(zip_longest(countries, capitals))
{'India': 'Delhi',
 'USA': 'Washington',
 'France': 'Paris',
 'UK': 'London',
 'Brazil': None,
 'Japan': None}