Reading a Text file#

For parsing general delimited text files, as with CSV files, the right separator must be used if it is anything other than a whitespace or a tab.

Importing libraries and packages#

1# Mathematical operations and data manipulation
2import pandas as pd

Set paths#

1# Path to datasets directory
2data_path = "./datasets"
3# Path to assets directory (for saving results to)
4assets_path = "./assets"

Loading dataset#

1dataset_13 = pd.read_csv(f"{data_path}/example_1.txt")
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
0 2 1500 Good 300000
1 3 1300 Fair 240000
2 3 1900 Very good 450000
3 3 1850 Bad 280000
4 2 1640 Good 310000