
Loading the data and performing some initial exploration on it to acquire some basic knowledge about the data, how the various features are distributed.

Importing libraries and packages#

 1# Mathematical operations and data manipulation
 2import pandas as pd
 4# Plotting
 5import seaborn as sns
 7# Warnings
 8import warnings
11%matplotlib inline

Set paths#

1# Path to datasets directory
2data_path = "./datasets"
3# Path to assets directory (for saving results to)
4assets_path = "./assets"

Loading dataset#

1# load data
2dataset = pd.read_csv(f"{data_path}/preprocessed_energydata.csv")
0 1 2 3 4
date_time 2016-01-11 17:00:00 2016-01-11 17:10:00 2016-01-11 17:20:00 2016-01-11 17:30:00 2016-01-11 17:40:00
a_energy 60 60 50 50 60
l_energy 30 30 30 40 40
kitchen_temp 19.89 19.89 19.89 19.89 19.89
kitchen_hum 47.596667 46.693333 46.3 46.066667 46.333333
liv_temp 19.2 19.2 19.2 19.2 19.2
liv_hum 44.79 44.7225 44.626667 44.59 44.53
laun_temp 19.79 19.79 19.79 19.79 19.79
laun_hum 44.73 44.79 44.933333 45.0 45.0
off_temp 19.0 19.0 18.926667 18.89 18.89
off_hum 45.566667 45.9925 45.89 45.723333 45.53
bath_temp 17.166667 17.166667 17.166667 17.166667 17.2
bath_hum 55.2 55.2 55.09 55.09 55.09
out_b_temp 7.026667 6.833333 6.56 6.433333 6.366667
out_b_hum 84.256667 84.063333 83.156667 83.423333 84.893333
iron_temp 17.2 17.2 17.2 17.133333 17.2
iron_hum 41.626667 41.56 41.433333 41.29 41.23
teen_temp 18.2 18.2 18.2 18.1 18.1
teen_hum 48.9 48.863333 48.73 48.59 48.59
par_temp 17.033333 17.066667 17.0 17.0 17.0
par_hum 45.53 45.56 45.5 45.4 45.4
out_temp 6.6 6.483333 6.366667 6.25 6.133333
out_press 733.5 733.6 733.7 733.8 733.9
out_hum 92.0 92.0 92.0 92.0 92.0
wind 7.0 6.666667 6.333333 6.0 5.666667
visibility 63.0 59.166667 55.333333 51.5 47.666667
dew_point 5.3 5.2 5.1 5.0 4.9
rv1 13.275433 18.606195 28.642668 45.410389 10.084097
rv2 13.275433 18.606195 28.642668 45.410389 10.084097

Outliers and missing values#

Analysing the Light Energy Consumption Column#

1lights_box = sns.boxplot(dataset.l_energy)
1lst = [0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70]
2counts = []
4for i in lst:
5    a = (dataset.l_energy == i).sum()
6    counts.append(a)
[15252, 2212, 1624, 559, 77, 9, 1, 1]
1lights = sns.barplot(x=lst, y=counts)
2lights.set_xlabel("Energy Consumed by Lights")
3lights.set_ylabel("Number of Lights")
4lights.set_title("Distribution of Energy Consumed by Lights")
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Distribution of Energy Consumed by Lights')
1((dataset.l_energy == 0).sum() / (dataset.shape[0])) * 100

77% of the instances have 0 Wh. This renders the l_energy column useless because we can’t possibly find any links between it and the other data.

1new_data = dataset
2new_data.drop(["l_energy"], axis=1, inplace=True)
0 1 2 3 4
date_time 2016-01-11 17:00:00 2016-01-11 17:10:00 2016-01-11 17:20:00 2016-01-11 17:30:00 2016-01-11 17:40:00
a_energy 60 60 50 50 60
kitchen_temp 19.89 19.89 19.89 19.89 19.89
kitchen_hum 47.596667 46.693333 46.3 46.066667 46.333333
liv_temp 19.2 19.2 19.2 19.2 19.2
liv_hum 44.79 44.7225 44.626667 44.59 44.53
laun_temp 19.79 19.79 19.79 19.79 19.79
laun_hum 44.73 44.79 44.933333 45.0 45.0
off_temp 19.0 19.0 18.926667 18.89 18.89
off_hum 45.566667 45.9925 45.89 45.723333 45.53
bath_temp 17.166667 17.166667 17.166667 17.166667 17.2
bath_hum 55.2 55.2 55.09 55.09 55.09
out_b_temp 7.026667 6.833333 6.56 6.433333 6.366667
out_b_hum 84.256667 84.063333 83.156667 83.423333 84.893333
iron_temp 17.2 17.2 17.2 17.133333 17.2
iron_hum 41.626667 41.56 41.433333 41.29 41.23
teen_temp 18.2 18.2 18.2 18.1 18.1
teen_hum 48.9 48.863333 48.73 48.59 48.59
par_temp 17.033333 17.066667 17.0 17.0 17.0
par_hum 45.53 45.56 45.5 45.4 45.4
out_temp 6.6 6.483333 6.366667 6.25 6.133333
out_press 733.5 733.6 733.7 733.8 733.9
out_hum 92.0 92.0 92.0 92.0 92.0
wind 7.0 6.666667 6.333333 6.0 5.666667
visibility 63.0 59.166667 55.333333 51.5 47.666667
dew_point 5.3 5.2 5.1 5.0 4.9
rv1 13.275433 18.606195 28.642668 45.410389 10.084097
rv2 13.275433 18.606195 28.642668 45.410389 10.084097

Analysing the Appliances Energy Consumption Column#

1app_box = sns.boxplot(new_data.a_energy)

A majority of the values seem to lie between 50 Wh and 100 Wh. However, some values extend the upper bracket of 200 Wh and go beyond 1000 Wh.

1# Check to see how many values extend above 200 Wh.
2out = (new_data["a_energy"] > 200).sum()
1# The percentage of the number of instances wherein the value
2# of the energy consumed by appliances is above 200 Wh
3(out / 19735) * 100
1# The total number of instances wherein the value of the energy
2# consumed by appliances is above 950 Wh.
3out_e = (new_data["a_energy"] > 950).sum()
1# The percentage of the number of instances wherein the value of
2# the energy consumed by appliances is above 950 Wh.
3(out_e / 19735) * 100

Only 0.01% of the instances have a_energy above 950 Wh. Close to 10% of the instances have a_energy above 200 Wh. Deleting (for now).

1energy = new_data[(new_data["a_energy"] <= 200)]
a_energy kitchen_temp kitchen_hum liv_temp liv_hum laun_temp laun_hum off_temp off_hum bath_temp ... par_temp par_hum out_temp out_press out_hum wind visibility dew_point rv1 rv2
count 17819.000000 17819.000000 17819.000000 17819.000000 17819.000000 17819.000000 17819.000000 17819.000000 17819.000000 17819.000000 ... 17819.000000 17819.000000 17819.000000 17819.000000 17819.000000 17819.000000 17819.000000 17819.000000 17819.000000 17819.000000
mean 68.728324 21.687676 40.158323 20.294921 40.470961 22.230049 39.167393 20.858577 38.991000 19.607705 ... 19.502262 41.556127 7.315671 755.559383 80.236718 3.975014 38.306600 3.762120 25.002765 25.002765
std 31.378141 1.605252 3.933742 2.172435 4.062130 1.971209 3.223465 2.048053 4.324842 1.838655 ... 2.011673 4.164766 5.290522 7.345043 14.771215 2.448213 11.951954 4.186178 14.519549 14.519549
min 10.000000 16.790000 27.023333 16.100000 20.463333 17.200000 28.766667 15.100000 27.660000 15.330000 ... 14.890000 29.166667 -5.000000 729.366667 24.000000 0.000000 1.000000 -6.600000 0.005322 0.005322
25% 50.000000 20.760000 37.260000 18.790000 37.930000 20.790000 36.826667 19.566667 35.500000 18.290000 ... 18.066667 38.530000 3.533333 751.000000 71.166667 2.000000 29.000000 0.933333 12.461009 12.461009
50% 60.000000 21.600000 39.560000 19.926667 40.560000 22.100000 38.471429 20.666667 38.363333 19.390000 ... 19.390000 40.863333 6.850000 756.100000 84.333333 3.500000 40.000000 3.433333 24.940753 24.940753
75% 80.000000 22.600000 42.900000 21.472333 43.326667 23.290000 41.590000 22.100000 42.090000 20.600000 ... 20.600000 44.296667 10.333333 760.933333 91.845238 5.333333 40.000000 6.550000 37.660263 37.660263
max 200.000000 26.200000 59.633333 29.856667 56.026667 29.200000 49.656667 26.200000 51.000000 25.795000 ... 24.500000 53.326667 26.100000 772.283333 100.000000 14.000000 66.000000 15.500000 49.996530 49.996530

8 rows × 27 columns

1energy.to_csv(f"{data_path}/cleaned_energydata.csv", index=False)